212-677-8621 info@crsny.org


Brain Gym Movement Exploration Level 1

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 123 4th Ave, 3rd Fl, New York, NY, United States

July 20 – 23, 2018 from 9 am – 6 pm with Carol Ann Erickson http://www.miyoshimethod.com/events.html In this introductory course, long time brain gym faculty and educator Carol Ann Erickson will teach participants about primitive reflexes that lay the foundation for learning, living, and growing.  Carol Ann makes the learning of and integration of reflexes experiential and practical.  The tools learned in this course will be able to be used immediately for personal and professional goals. Course Content: *  Basic Movement patterns and the underlying reflexes from pre-birth to present;  as well as their impact on learning in our daily  life *  The developmental basis of the Brain Gym Movements and the impact on the physical side of the […]
