212-677-8621 info@crsny.org

Exhibition: Haruko BlueStarChild

CRS welcomes Sedona-based Japanese artist HA-RU-KO BlueStarChild for a three-day exhibition August 22 - 24, 2014 (10am - 6 pm Friday and Saturday, 1 - 5 pm Sunday) with daily slide show presentation and talk by the artist from 2 - 3 pm. HA-RU-KO is a multi dimensional artist, designer, performer, and author. In 1999 she started to receive inspirations from the Light Realm. She consciously merges with the Source (Creator) and Mother Earth and co-creates our ultimate dream to bring joy, peace, and harmony on the Earth through her artistic creations. During the daily talks, she will describe how she started to receive inspiration from the Light Realm and show slides of many of her older artworks to show how her process […]

Exhibition: Atonement — Aganai — Ceramic Sculpture by Miyu Asakawa

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is delighted to announce ATONEMENT – AGANAI, an exhibition of ragu-fired stoneware by artist Miyu Asakawa. The ceramic masks and heads in this exhibition are inspired by actual events in the artist’s life. Each mask represents a feeling Miyu had at a particular moment in time, phases in her life, or in a relationship. All of the masks were cast of her own face or that of friends or family. Asakawa has been studying A Course in Miracles and was also inspired in her recent work by the Course's re-conception of atonement as meaning to be "healed" by re-connecting with one's inner truth (realizing that sin always was and is […]

Exhibition: Photography by Brad Oliphant

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is thrilled to announce an exhibition of photographs by Brad Oliphant. The exhibition will take place in conjunction with the publication of Lessons in Love from A Course in Miracles: Truths and Meditations on the Legendary Text (photos and text by Brad Oliphant, foreward by Gary R. Renard). An Opening Reception, talk/slide presentation by the artist, and book signing will take place on Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 5- 7 pm. Author and A Course in Miracles teacher Jon Mundy, Ph.D. will also be on hand to introduce Brad's work and sign copies of his own books! The exhibition will continue into early January 2015. Please RSVP @  bradgoliphant@gmail.com If you are unable to […]

Exhibition: Reflected Reverie: Paintings by Marianne Gunther

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is pleased to announce an exhibition of paintings by Marianne Gunther, artist & creative art psychotherapist. In addition to Marianne's newest work, the art and testimonies of 3 individuals who experienced the benefits of art therapy with Marianne will be on display. An Opening Reception with the artist will take place on Saturday, January 10, 2015 from 4:30 - 6:30 pm. Immediately following the reception please join us for an intimate concert of Latin jazz and original compostions by world-renowned pianist Chiemi Nakai. About Marianne Gunther Marianne Gunther is a New York State- licensed creative art psychotherapist in private practice here at Center for Remembering and Sharing, New York City. In addition to […]

Exhibition: “流転-RUTEN-” by Yasuka Matsumoto

CRS is honored to present a brief exhibition of works by Yasuka Matsumoto of Japan from April 17 - 20, 2015. The works that Ms. Matsumoto will be sharing all reference the Japanese traditional method of making iron and steel, called Tatara, using charcoal created from the burning of wood. A story of small iron Trees in the forest are transformed into iron and steel by human's hand. That process can be said to concentrate a large forest into small metallic objects. These objects carry the memory of having existed as trees in the forest. When a metal object closes its eyes, it see images and remembers the memory of this past it carries within. The object misses living in the […]

Exhibition: Rhythm of Color by Brian Potter

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is pleased to announce "Rhythm of Color," an exhibition of paintings by Brian Potter. In this series of paintings, Mr. Potter uses lines and planes of color, usually very chromatic, in rhythmic combinations. Sometimes these planes overlap, creating a sense of implied depth and mystery. Generally, the colors pulsate foward, generating a playful energy. There is a balance struck between the emotional content of color association, and the intellectual qualities of hard edge painting. An Opening Reception with the artist will take place on Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 6 - 8 pm. The exhibition will remain on display through the end of May. During the opening reception, from 6:30 […]


Inner Vision Workout: Practice Receiving Spiritual Guidance Using Principles of ACIM

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York, NY, United States

Let's practice receiving and sharing spiritual guidance from the voice of love inside our minds. Approximate Schedule: 7 – 7:20 pm     Guided Meditation 7:20 – 8 pm     Spiritual Healing / Practice Receiving Spiritual Guidance 8 – 8:30 pm     Discussion There is a suggested donation of $20. Our primary goal is to learn to recognize the voice of love's guidance that is always available to us — but which we usually block out! Slowly, we will re-train our eyes to see the world around us as one that is always presenting opportunities for us to give and receive love. The more you practice, the easier this becomes. In time, it can even […]


Exhibition: Voice of Nature Paintings by Keiko Takeko

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is pleased to announce "Voice of Nature," an exhibition of paintings by Keiko Takeko. Through her works, she wants to express the beauty, strength, diversity and modesty of nature, sometimes incorporating words which she "hears" from nature. She feels that living with nature teaches us to accept changes and reminds us that important things will come to us naturally. An Opening Reception with the artist will take place on Saturday, June 6, 2015 from 6 - 8 pm.  At 7 pm the artist will perform two pantomime pieces inspired by Ka-Cho-Fu-Getsu. Ka-Cho-Fu-Getsu are the traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics. "Ka" means flower, "Cho" means bird, "Fu" means wind and "Getsu" means […]

Sunday Spiritual Reading/Healing Clinic — 7/13/14

Many of you have asked for a weekend healing event, so I'm thrilled to announce a Spiritual Reading & Healing Clinic with short meditation on Sunday, July 13 from 12 – 1 pm, just before Jon Mundy's monthly Miracles in Manhattan lecture on A Course in Miracles (starting at 1:30 pm and you are welcome to join)!  We'll start with a short grounding meditation to relax and remember that we are spiritual beings, unlimited by our physical circumstances and free to think and choose what we want. Then we'll dive right into the individual readings! Bring any issue you are facing right now — physically, emotionally, mentally, and/or spiritually. With eyes closed (you will be seated […]


Breath Work for Healing — Thursdays in July & Aug 2015

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York, NY, United States

Breathwork is a three-part, active meditation that gets us out of our mind and into our body. Breathing first into the belly to stir up the stuck thoughts, buried emotions, blocked energy, and old stories, we breathe into the heart center to purify, honor, and transform with love, before we exhale and release out an open mouth. Increasing the oxygen level and energy in our body creates a space of openness, healing, clarity, and trust for our intuitive impulses, inner wisdom, and creativity.

Helen will guide and support you through the breathing using music, affirmations, and energy healing.  Breathing is a great modality of SELF-healing for anyone looking to dive deeper into themselves. Your breath. Your body. Your experience. Your healing.


Exhibition: Whispering Lights — Art by Erika Mizukami

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is pleased to announce "Whispering Lights," an exhibition of art work by Erika Mizukami. Finding inspiration in light, she began making art on her own and is self-taught. So far, she has made more than 100 works in this way. We selected about 10 works from all, and will show them at CRS. The works represented here are colorful oil pastels in complex patterns, created by scratching, reminiscent of mandalas. Their purpose is to invite unity and harmony into the mind and also a sense of playfulness. An Opening Reception with the artist will take place on Saturday, July 11, 2015 from 6 – 8 pm.  Pianist Maurizio Najt will perform The exhibition will remain […]

The Secret of Magical Herbs and Oils — 7/11/15

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York, NY, United States

THE SECRET OF MAGICAL HERBS AND OILS Free Herbal Session with Qesankh Maa Kheperu ​Saturday, July 11th, 2:00 PM In this special one-on-one session Master Teacher Qesankh Maa Kheperu will be prescribing magical herbs and oils to address any issues you have in your life. These powerful herbs and oils will be mixed and tailored to your specific needs to bring you love, wealth, luck, a career, a job, health, and happiness. You will be provided with specific instructions on how to use them to aid your success.  Because of the attention to detail needed, this session is limited to just a few people so do register ASAP.  The session […]

Opening Reception for Whispering Lights — Art by Erika Mizukami

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York, NY, United States

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is pleased to announce "Whispering Lights," an exhibition of art work by Erika Mizukami.

Finding inspiration in light, she began making art on her own and is self-taught. So far, she has made more than 100 works in this way. We selected about 10 works from all, and will show them at CRS. The works represented here are colorful oil pastels in complex patterns, created by scratching, reminiscent of mandalas. Their purpose is to invite unity and harmony into the mind and also a sense of playfulness.

An Opening Reception with the artist will take place on Saturday, July 11, 2015 from 6 – 8 pm. ​ Pianist Maurizio Najt will perform.

The exhibition will remain on display through August 17, 2015.

Spiritual Healing Clinic & Miracles in Manhattan Lecture Series with Jon Mundy, Ph.D. & Scott Grace – 7/12/15

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing)

12 – 1 pm Healing Clinic, suggested donation $20
Bring any issue you are facing right now — physically, emotionally, mentally, and/or spiritually. With eyes closed (you will be seated and the healer will stand nearby, no touching involved), we will join with you silently, embracing your perfect spirit with unconditional love, and ask the Holy Spirit to bring us directly to whatever seed thought is causing your current issues. After about 10 minutes, we will share with you the guidance that we receive.
1:30 – 4:30 pm Miracles in Manhattan lecture by Jon Mundy Ph.D.
w/ Special Guest ACIM Teacher/Musician Scott Grace

1:30 – 3 pm lecture by Jon Mundy
LECTURE 25: Reason and Perception
Based on Chapter 21 from A Course in Miracles Textbook
3 – 4:30 pm experiential presentation with Scott Grace
Healing the Sick, Raising the Dead, and Forgiving Your Mother!

Discover the Power to Change Reality! — 7/18/2015

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York, NY, United States

A Powerful Free Seminar with Qesankh Maa Kheperu Change Your Life Forever! Saturday, July 18th 12 – 4 pm The key to understanding your unlimited potential is to understand that the subconscious mind or spirit is all-powerful. Who you are is not the physical body or vehicle but rather consciousness.  From the many theories that progressive-thinking scientists have put forward to explain our reality, the theory that seems most likely is that we are living in a holographic simulation that is used by God, or the universal power, to gain information and further knowledge from each of us. But there’s more! Now I want you to join me for my seminar […]

Sensual Shamanism – With Richard Sion Windelov

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York, NY, United States

Welcome Richard Sion Windelov -The "Sensual Shaman" From New Zealand On His NY/NJ Tour Of Consciousness!

ReAwaken the the Living LifeForce of the Medicine Woman, Healer, Shaman, Kahuna, Tohunga, Mystic Lover, Priestess, an Embodied Loving Relationship. This will be a co-created event where the participants have input into the content, teachings and experiences.

Participate In A Shamanic Cleansing Healing Ceremony!

$25 – $35

The {W} Workshop — a writing workshop for highly creative people

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York, NY, United States

The {W} Workshop is a writing workshop for highly creative people who feel called to dig deeply into a discovery process. In class, we will practice deep listening skills and call on practical and spiritual tools to geared toward creating clarity and confidence creative writing. You need not come to class with a particular project in mind; perhaps you just have an idea or an inkling of an idea you’d like to explore. You will come away with tools to help you through blocks, “stuck” moments that may arise, and most importantly move your work in the world forward.

$45 – $125

Energy Reconstruction Seminar and Demonstration

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York, NY, United States

Calling all reiki practitioners, energy healers, and all spiritually inclined. Learn all about energy reconstruction, a systematic multi-modality approach to healing based upon quantum entanglement and metaphysics. An excellent adjunct to reiki and energy healing. Let the magic of intent re-balance the energy, improve health and maintain happiness. Free demonstration to follow.


CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York, NY, United States

Please join us in welcome to NYC a delegation from Japan who visiting the US to report on the growing evidence of the dangers of the nuclear energy. Specifically, they will speak about: the dangers at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, a lawsuit against the manufacturers of nuclear power plants, and a report from the husband of a woman who was able to win compensation as a result of getting thyroid cancer caused by radiation exposure from the nuclear power plant in Korea. Hear the plaintiffs from two precedent-setting anti-nuclear lawsuits with comments from those in the center of the nuclear controversy. This event is open to all. Donations to […]

Sensual Shamanism – With Richard Sion Windelov

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York, NY, United States

Welcome Richard Sion Windelov -The "Sensual Shaman" From New Zealand On His NY/NJ Tour Of Consciousness!

ReAwaken the the Living LifeForce of the Medicine Woman, Healer, Shaman, Kahuna, Tohunga, Mystic Lover, Priestess, an Embodied Loving Relationship. This will be a co-created event where the participants have input into the content, teachings and experiences.

Participate In A Shamanic Cleansing Healing Ceremony!

$25 – $35