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How To Use Oracles To Guide Your Life — 4/16/2015
February 17日 @ 7:56 pm EDT
Throughout history ancient man and woman have turned to Oracles to uncover the secrets of the universe. However, many in our modern world have painted the use of Oracles such as the Tarot, I-Ching, Ifa and Runes as sinister or deserving of scorn. History shows us that Oracles were used by many Kings and Queens as a means to communicate with God. Through ancient priests, who would serve as diviners, people would seek guidance from the Oracles on issues of love, money, politics and life in general. The answers they received were widely accurate which lead to their ever-increasing popularity. In fact, Oracles would predict the destiny of many peoples and the fates of nations. But because these devices were so powerful a campaign was waged to discredit them so that unscrupulous priests could gain control and power. This essentially stole the Oracles from the common person, removing the power from them and placing it into the institution of the Church as the final say of what is right. What we witness today is how the masses are as slaves to the Church with no individual guidance directly from the creator. In this class you will learn why Oracles are important, how to use them, and witness first-hand how God can speak through them and directly to you.
April 2015167 pm – 10 pm