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Prayers To John Of God – Film Screening & Meditation with Kumi Clara — 6/24/15
January 26日 @ 11:06 am EDT
Celebrate John of God’s Birthday!
Learn more and have your questions answered about the extraordinary healings performed by John of God in Brazil at the Casa de Dom Inacio
John Of God is one of the most powerful and respected healers in the wold today.
Kumi Clara is honored to be sharing this beautiful film HEALING, an award-winning documentary of John of God.
The film depicts the ongoing miracles that take place at the casa as well as the incurable illness being healed everyday with thousand of people visiting him from all over the world. He has healed millions of people for over 50 years and he offers the healing free of charge.
To receive his healing you just need to ask for his help. He says “I do not cure anybody. God heals. I am merely an instrument in God’s divine hands.”
After The Film Screening, You Will Experience:
– Kumi offering special prayers for his continuing health and happiness honoring him for his incredible work.
-A Sacred healing meditation to find your own healing power inside you.
– A talk about Kumi Clara’s healing experience in Abadiania
– How you can receive healing from John of God.
– How to visit the casa in Brazil including helpful resources and websites for more information, & herbal healing protocols
– making a wish in a triangle.
The website for the John Of God film is:
Watch the trailer here: https://youtu.be/4JDIrSz3SUY
(This film is 65 minutes long)
This film reminds us to be kind to one another and love your family and neighbors.we can manifest health and happiness by embodying and practicing loving kindness.
It also helps us remember that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience…we are spiritual beings having a Human experience.
Experience the healing frequency currents as if you were there at the casa and receive all the healing you require!
Cost – $20 in advance – $25 at the door
Reserve your seat here: http://www.eventbrite.com/o/meryl-vandana-brinin-2476915886?s=39737159
Kumi Clara
Web Site
June 201524 7 – 9 pm