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Relationship Reboot! A Workshop with ACIM Teacher Jennifer Hadley — 10/26

January 26日 @ 9:12 am EDT

Are you relationship challenged?
Do you feel like you frequently miss the mark in your relationships?
Do happy fulfilling relationships seem out of reach?
Would you be willing to make some SIMPLE changes to dramatically improve the quality of ALL your relationships?

You can do a Relationship Reboot!  No kidding — you’ll be amazed at how you can make a couple of simple shifts to have deep healing in your relationships and to attract better quality relationships – remember, like attracts like.
A relationship workshop that takes a spiritual approach.  We’re all ONE and in Truth we have only ONE relationship.  If you improve ONE relationship, you improve them all.  Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and get real?  Spend the day with Jennifer Hadley and do a Relationship Reboot FOR REAL!

Are you in a relationship you’d like to improve?
Would you like to create a beautiful and loving relationship?
Would you like to improve ALL your relationships?

Your whole life is a network of relationships – at work, at home, with friends, family and co-workers.  Jennifer Hadley offers a few basic relationship tools so you can be successful and quickly stop making the same old mistakes of the past.  Over and over again, Jennifer has helped thousands of people open to the highest possibilities for relating with love, kindness, and compassion to achieve the maximum happiness and success in all of their relationships.  In this powerful 1 day workshop, you will learn basic and fundamental ways that you can profoundly improve the quality of your relationships starting immediately!  
 It’s much simpler than you think – if you’re willing!  This workshop is for people who are ready and willing to do something different!  Nothing will change if you don’t APPLY what you learn!

Do you feel guilty and ashamed that you’re not able to have the quality of relationships that you’d like to have?
Do you find yourself making the same relationship mistakes over and over again, leaving you feeling like there’s something wrong with you?
Do you worry that people won’t like you or that they’ll leave you because you’re not worth being a relationship with?

How many of us were taught how to have a GREAT relationship?  Not many!  And few of us have seen a great relationship of ANY kind modeled.  
In this $60 day-long workshop, Jennifer Hadley shares practical tools that are so simple anyone can learn them immediately and begin to feel successful right away.  Are you willing to make a couple of changes in the way that you relate to ALL the people in your life in order to improve ALL your relationships?  Don’t miss this!  Bring a friend so that you can support each other in applying the tools afterwards!
Here’s what people are saying: 
“Relationship Reboot means so much to me.  I’ve been able to really shift things with my husband and my children.  The  REAL HEALING  is so needed and it’s happening!  Everyone benefits.  What a blessing for us all. Thank you so much!” —  Lisa B.
“I love all the classes. The work is sooo good and the Relationship Reboot classes were like: WOW! It made even more CLEAR what the challenges are even in areas that I wasn’t aware of. How wonderful and how healing! Thank you!” — Barbara F.
“I feel transformed!” — Peter R.
About Jennifer Hadley
Jennifer Hadley has led over 10,000 spiritual seekers to unlock the secret of becoming more successful and helping more of the people they want to serve. Jennifer supports people in profoundly increasing their happiness and success through the application of basic spiritual tools that anyone can use.
For your Daily Shot of Spiritual Espresso and many other free offerings as well practical classes for spiritual development please visit http://www.JenniferHadley.com/
Learn moreACIM Classes with JenniferJenniferHadley.com
October 20132610 am – 5:30 pm

Events Category:


Event Date:
January 26日, 2025
Event Time:
9:12 am