212-677-8621 info@crsny.org

A-Ha! Moments with Brook

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York, NY, United States

Come for a beautiful evening of healing, meditation, and teachings based on your needs as an individual and as a community. This event is a wonderful introduction to working with Brook, as she blends the energies of all exemplifying true community. In doing so, she illuminates challenges and ideals within the consciousness of each individual, showing how these can affect our daily life, allowing us to move from a more expansive and awakened state. Our standard format for the Healers Circle is 1.5 hour talk, 30 minute meditation, and 30 minute healing session for the whole group that may include physical healing and/or personal inner work. Please come dressed comfortably as you may want to lie down and rest during the healing section. Brook looks forward to embracing your community in the opportunity to be of service.


Sacred Cacao Ceremony

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York, NY, United States

Traditionally prepared ceremonial cacao is a magical and sacred treat. It is not at all like drinking a regular cup of hot chocolate. It’s a strong and powerful drink, mixed with spices, to awaken the energetic properties of cacao. Brook was offered this ancient recipe when she worked with shamans in South America. She prepares it with special blessings and prayers offered up to Yolotl Etzli, the spirit of the plant itself. Doing this makes the concoction extremely powerful in aiding those who participate in the sacred ceremony, to open their heart and connect more fully for, deep shamanic journeying, inner work, and creative expression. Unlike a hallucinogenic, cacao takes you to the door of your awakening and offers you the opportunity to walk through it yourself, without forcing you. It is a gentle and magnificent healer.


Brain Activation

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York, NY, United States

The importance of our magnificent brains is becoming very clear as we awaken to the truth of fully being. In this glorious evening, come and participate in the awakening of your own deep and brilliant light.

Together we will:

Receive an activation for the Cave of Brahma in the innermost part of the brain.
Practice a deep form of breath work, to shift the frequency of light in our brains and throughout our bodies, for deep personal healing and empowerment.
Discuss different supplements and foods that truly nourish and activate the brain.
Learn a powerful pranic technique, for daily practice, to balance out both hemispheres of the brain.
