212-677-8621 info@crsny.org

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Exhibition: Moments of Silence Paintings by Douglas Newton

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is pleased to announce “Moments of Silence,â€_an exhibition of small oil paintings by Douglas Newton. These paintings invite sustained contemplation. Some are from observed reality. Others are mostly from his imagination. They are all painted over days and weeks of concentration and creativity. While his subjects from life are recognizable, he eschews photo realism in favor of building up a richness of color and sumptuousness of form. ARTIST STATEMENT: I paint subjects that have unexpected beauty that I translate into oil paint. I paint from my imagination and also from reality. I also have a series on candies and their wrappers, focusing on their translucency and […]


Exhibition: Paintings by Douglas Newton

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is pleased to announce "Moments of Silence," an exhibition of small oil paintings by Douglas Newton. These paintings invite sustained contemplation. Some are from observed reality. Others are mostly from his imagination. They are all painted over days and weeks of concentration and creativity. While his subjects from life are recognizable, he eschews photo realism in favor of building up a richness of color and sumptuousness of form. ARTIST STATEMENT: I paint subjects that have unexpected beauty that I translate into oil paint. I paint from my imagination and also from reality. I also have a series on candies and their wrappers, focusing on their translucency […]

断捨離の やましたひでこ氏 NY講演

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York

片付けられない自分を責める 始めたいけど、身体が動かない 「片付けなきゃ」の呪縛から解放され もういい加減、ごきげんに生きていきたい そんな思いを抱いているあなたへ 物と向き合うことで、思わぬ自分を発見し納得し 部屋も心も人生も「片」が「付いていく」断捨離 3年ぶりのNY講演、お見逃しなく! やましたひでこ クラターコンサルタント 断捨離提唱者 早稲田大学文学部卒 大学生時代に入門したヨガの道場で、心の執着を手放す行法哲学 「断行」「捨行」「離行」に出会う。これらの行法を「片付け」という日々の行いに落と し込み断捨離を生み出した。著書は国内300万部、中国・台湾でも100万部を突破す る大ヒット。幅広い層から圧倒的な支持を得ている。
