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Exhibition: “Home and Home: New York in My Life” — Photographs by Satomi Shirai

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) announces “Home and Home: New York in My Life,â€_an exhibition of photographs by Satomi Shirai. These seven works reveal, in boldly playful as well as subtle ways, a newly arrived immigrant’s strategies to create a sense of home and to discover what those strategies are. From the outset, CRS has sought to provide a creative and spiritual home to artists and seekers from all over the world, and we believe that this exhibition speaks directly to our mission and the experience of so many members of our community.

The exhibition will open on October 19, 2015 and be on display through November 28, 2015. An opening reception with the artist will take place on Friday, October 23, 2015 from 7:30 â€_9:30 pm.

While the photographs in this exhibition look like documentary-style records of the often messy and alien life that an immigrant lives prior to acquiring furnishings and fully settling in (does an immigrant ever fully settle in?), the photographs are actually meticulously staged with a highly controlled mastery of mis-en-scene and craft. This creates a tension between order and chaos, reality and artifice, into which the artist places herself and her own child and friends as models, challenging our initial impulse to label the life depicted as disordered. The more we look, the more we recognize objects, symbols, behaviors, relationships that give meaning and context to the home depicted. We recognize that we carry home within us and carry on a never-ending process of using our minds in diverse and complex ways to anchor ourselves and project our sense of home into our habitat, making it our own even in the midst of constant change.


CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York

「じゃない会」は、日ごろ置き去りにしがちな自分の心を観察することによって、実生活で安心と喜びを分かち合うことを目的としています。 赤ちゃんやお子様も大歓迎です。クラス中のオムツ替えやトイレも可能です。お母様だけでなく、どなたでもご参加いただけます。 日時:11月19日(木)午前10時~午後12時 場所:「CRS」123 4th Ave, 2nd FL, New York, NY 10003 地下鉄 ユニオンスクエア駅から徒歩5分 電話:914-484-2423   ウエブサイトはこちら クラス料金:35ドル ファシリテーター: 小野永保子 naoko@crsny.org 紅葉の美しい季節を迎えましたが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? 季節の変化や日常の出来事の起伏を経験するたびに、私たちの気持ちはころころと変わります。 でも、心の奥には、どんな時にも変わらない温かな力があります。 それこそが、私たちが本当に大切にしていて、表現したがっているものだということを、ご一緒に思い出しましょう。 心の力は、まっすぐにご家族や周りの方に届きます。 ご自分の心に丁寧に向き合い、心の力を実生活で存分に使えますよう、ご参加を心からお待ちしています。