CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) announces “Home and Home: New York in My Life,â€_an exhibition of photographs by Satomi Shirai. These seven works reveal, in boldly playful as well as subtle ways, a newly arrived immigrant’s strategies to create a sense of home and to discover what those strategies are. From the outset, CRS has sought to provide a creative and spiritual home to artists and seekers from all over the world, and we believe that this exhibition speaks directly to our mission and the experience of so many members of our community.
The exhibition will open on October 19, 2015 and be on display through November 28, 2015. An opening reception with the artist will take place on Friday, October 23, 2015 from 7:30 â€_9:30 pm.
While the photographs in this exhibition look like documentary-style records of the often messy and alien life that an immigrant lives prior to acquiring furnishings and fully settling in (does an immigrant ever fully settle in?), the photographs are actually meticulously staged with a highly controlled mastery of mis-en-scene and craft. This creates a tension between order and chaos, reality and artifice, into which the artist places herself and her own child and friends as models, challenging our initial impulse to label the life depicted as disordered. The more we look, the more we recognize objects, symbols, behaviors, relationships that give meaning and context to the home depicted. We recognize that we carry home within us and carry on a never-ending process of using our minds in diverse and complex ways to anchor ourselves and project our sense of home into our habitat, making it our own even in the midst of constant change.
This program focuses upon the skills and knowledge needed to be a modern interfaith minister. By eliminating semester breaks and vacations, the course is equipped to concentrate in one year a solid, qualifying course in interfaith. Upon successful completion of the program, students are ordained as ministers and are eligible to register legally as clergy. Thus, graduates are eligible to add the honorific “Reverend” to any existing titles and honors they have achieved in their professions. The program is provided as a series of monthly weekend classroom sessions at the Seminary’s office in New York City. Timely completion of monthly homework assignments is required. All students, at the end of […]
Inamoto Hyakuten (founder of Komyo Reiki Kai) is returning from Japan to NYC to share his wisdom and insights about Reiki.
November 20, 2015 (Friday) 6 - 10 om
Kurama-yama (Usui Reiki Ryoho's Birthplace) PowerPoint presentation/ Reiki Share
Everyone Interested in Reiki are welcome to attend
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) presents a reading of a new play with video by Yoshiko Chuma & the School of Hard Knocks in the White Room at CRS. The text is taken from Yoshiko’s collection of works from 2000 – 2015 from Sarajevo, Macedonia, Manipur, Romania, Fukushima, Ramallah, Amman, Kabul, Berlin, Bogota, Maracibo and New York. Performances will take place on Friday & Saturday, November 20 & 21, 2015 at 7:30 pm and 9 pm. The performance is about one hour in duration. Tickets are $20 ($15 for students and seniors), and there are only 15 seats available for each performance. Cast: Miriam Parker, Saori Tsukada and Heather Litteer Live video painting: Kit Fitzgerald […]
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) presents a reading of a new play with video by Yoshiko Chuma & the School of Hard Knocks in the White Room at CRS. The text is taken from Yoshiko’s collection of works from 2000 – 2015 from Sarajevo, Macedonia, Manipur, Romania, Fukushima, Ramallah, Amman, Kabul, Berlin, Bogota, Maracibo and New York. Performances will take place on Friday & Saturday, November 20 & 21, 2015 at 7:30 pm and 9 pm. The performance is about one hour in duration. Tickets are $20 ($15 for students and seniors), and there are only 15 seats available for each performance. Cast: Miriam Parker, Saori Tsukada and Heather Litteer Live video painting: Kit Fitzgerald Unfinished series film and documentation: Megumi Eda […]
Mar Creation, Inc & CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 共催、 『ニューヨークの四季-日本古典音楽の秀麗 -Four seasons in New York -Gems of Japanese Music 』と題しまして、 毎シーズンごとに木村伶香能が異なるゲストミュージシャンを招き、コンサートを開催いたします。 記念すべき第一回目は箏•三味線奏者の木村伶香能によるソロコンサートです。はるかな年月をかけて現代に伝えられた日本音楽のきらめき。箏•三味線の音色を聴きながら、四季折々の季節感を、このNYで体感しませんか? このコンサートシリーズでは、それぞれの季節にふさわしい古典作品をとりあげ、彩り豊かな和菓子と共に、お楽しみ頂きます。 11月28日(土)4時〜 場所:CRS 3FL White Room 出演:木村伶香能(箏•三味線) 和菓子:Mochi Rin 料金:前売り$20 当日$25 (和菓子込み)※席、和菓子に限りがあるため、要予約 ご予約/お問い合わせ: 木村伶香能 東京芸術大学音楽学部邦楽科卒業。NHK邦楽技能者育成会第46期修了。現代邦楽研究所研究科(三味線専攻)修了。平成14年度文化庁インターンシップ研修員。これまでに洗足学園音楽大学、桐生大学箏曲部講師。現在、洗足学園音楽大学内・現代邦楽研究所講師。2004年以来、海外での演奏も多数行う。アメリカでの活動は、2006年第1回ソロコンサートをニューヨークにて開催。2008年、アメリカ3都市においてソロツアー(国際交流基金助成公演)2010年より、アメリカに拠点を移し、日米で演奏活動を行っている。ニューヨークと日本を拠点に、箏・三味線・唄の古典演奏と共に、作曲家・アーティストと共同制作による新たな世界を展開し音楽活動を行っている。チェリストの玉木光との「Duo YUMENO 夢乃」の演奏にも力を入れ、2015年、アメリカ室内楽協会主催"New Music in Bryant Park"に出演。2010年より4年間かけて委嘱初演を続けた"花鳥風月"(Marty Regan作曲)をCDリリース。今年より、アメリカを代表するオペラ作曲家Daron A. Hagenに"平家物語"をテーマとする連作を委嘱、コンサートシリーズを行う。またイギリス、ケンブリッジ大学クレアホールにて公演を予定している。 Mochi Rin マンハッタンのソーホースタジオをベースにオーダーメードのみで販売している和菓子ショップ。オーガニック餡子、NYで取れた季節の果物や花を使い丁寧に作り上げれる一口サイズの和菓子は、まるで宝石のようと絶賛されている。日本の伝統菓子をNYテイストと混合させ、そこに凛・落ち着きのある優美さを加える事で新しい和菓子の世界を作り上げている。
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) presents an exhibition of painted and collaged images of angels assembled from photographs of the debris of the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 by the Iwate, Japan-based artist Su. Much of this vast quantity debris has accumulated along the coast of Japan and though the waves and the weather slowly break them apart, many forms are still recognizable as the door of someone's house or a family's beloved vase or shrine or jewelry box, fragments evoking memories of lives lost and torn asunder. Su believes that by transforming these remnants into new works of beauty, it is possible to renew the love and hope in the hearts […]
Monday 4 - 5:30pm with Jean Fung YES! It’s winter. Come celebrate put winterl in your tango, 1. SHHHH! Tango secrets unveiled ….. I’ve created a space where you can come practice and refine our tango skills, get tips on improving body mechanics, and how to simplify and improve your tango, so you “Move with Freedom & Dance with Ease” Please join us, bring a friend to practice with, all level dancers welcome. Also, beginner classes forming. Email for info and schedule options. Jean + PLUS – available for privates, call or email to schedule. Group classes I’ll be teaching … 1+267.625.6678 (cel) REGISTER: prepay via PayPal OR cash at door to Jean Fung (call ahead […]