212-677-8621 info@crsny.org

Paradise Laboratory: Pulses with Maya Angelou and Elsa Nilsson: Thyme

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) は、2022年7月31日午後7時より、CRSのホワイトルームにて、ジャズカルテット Elsa Nilsson: ThymeとMaya Angelouの詩を聴く、イベントを開催します。ユニークかつ深いリスニング体験をご一緒に。 チケットは学生/シニアが10ドル、一般が20ドルで、eventbrite.comで購入できます。売り切れでなければ、現金にて当日券を購入できます。入場には、例外なく予防接種の証明書を提示していただきます’。マスクの着用をお願いしています。 Many species use sound to communicate. Elsa Nilsson, Santiago Leibson, Marty Kenney and Rodrigo Recabarren asked themselves; what is the line that makes sound music? If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then isn’t music in the ear of the listener? As they listened to words around them they became enchanted with the subtleties in the sounds of voices. It began with Rodrigo playing rhythms along with speeches where he wanted to accentuate the meanings of what was being said. He sent Elsa Maya Angelou’s “On the Pulse Of Morning” full of rocks, rivers and trees. […]

$10 – $20