CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) presents Crossing Boundariesコンサートシリーズ Vol.23:“Unfolding Circle”by Oto MugenをJazz Galleryにて開催します。Remaー蓮見令麻 (作曲、ピアノ、キーボード、ヴォーカル)を中心に、アダム・レイン(アコースティック・ベース)、ランディ・ピーターソン(ドラムス)のトリオは、聴く者を内省的な瞑想から変容的なカタルシスへと優しく導く多様なサウンドスケープを作り出し、没入感のある聴覚の旅を演出します。どうぞ、お楽しみに! Sets start at 7:30 and 9 pm and one ticket is good for either set or both. Drinks are available in the Jazz Gallery lounge before and after each set. The audience will experience fleeting yet profound interplay between tension and release, chaos and calm. The concert creates a space where we share a moment of unfolding, where what we carry transforms in the presence of collective experience. Oto Mugen The group came together in 2022 as a project led by Rema Hasumi (piano, synthesizers, voice), joined by Randy Peterson (drums) and Adam Lane(acoustic bass). Hasumi […]
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) presents Crossing Boundaries Concert Series vol. 23: “Unfolding Circle”by Oto Mugen. Led by Rema Hasumi (composition, piano, keyboards, vocals) with Adam Lane on acoustic bass and Randy Peterson on drums, the trio curates an immersive auditory journey, crafting a diverse array of soundscapes that gently lead listeners from introspective meditation to transformative catharsis. Sets start at 7:30 and 9 pm and one ticket is good for either set or both. Drinks are available in the Jazz Gallery lounge before and after each set. The audience will experience fleeting yet profound interplay between tension and release, chaos and calm. The concert creates a space where […]