Exhibition: Paintings by Douglas Newton
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New YorkWeek of Events
Exhibition: Moments of Silence Paintings by Douglas Newton
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is pleased to announce “Moments of Silence,â€_an exhibition of small oil paintings by Douglas Newton. These paintings invite sustained contemplation. Some are from observed reality. Others are mostly from his imagination. They are all painted over days and weeks of concentration and creativity. While his subjects from life are recognizable, he eschews photo realism in favor of building up a richness of color and sumptuousness of form. ARTIST STATEMENT: I paint subjects that have unexpected beauty that I translate into oil paint. I paint from my imagination and also from reality. I also have a series on candies and their wrappers, focusing on their translucency and […]
Exhibition: Paintings by Douglas Newton
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is pleased to announce "Moments of Silence," an exhibition of small oil paintings by Douglas Newton. These paintings invite sustained contemplation. Some are from observed reality. Others are mostly from his imagination. They are all painted over days and weeks of concentration and creativity. While his subjects from life are recognizable, he eschews photo realism in favor of building up a richness of color and sumptuousness of form. ARTIST STATEMENT: I paint subjects that have unexpected beauty that I translate into oil paint. I paint from my imagination and also from reality. I also have a series on candies and their wrappers, focusing on their translucency […]
週末のACIMフリーダムリトリート - 9月17日〜9月20日
NY郊外の素晴らしい自然のなかで、リラックスした週末をご一緒しませんか。マンハッタンでの大規模のカンファレンスとはまた違った雰囲気です。ハイキングも楽しめそうですね。お食事も期待できます。日本語通訳はつきませんが、ぜひご一緒に! ヒーリング・クリニックもさせていただきます。 香咲弥須子 年に一度のACIMフリーダムリトリートが9月17日〜9月20日の週末にニューヨーク州ストーニーポイントにて開催されます。自然あふれるストーニーポイントセンターで『奇跡のコース』をともに学び、健康的な食事や仲間とのふれあいをご一緒に楽しみませんか。センターのロッジに宿泊せずに、3日間リトリートへ通われることも可能です。 日頃コースの生徒として、スタディグループに参加し、レッスンを実践し日々の生活に当てはめるワークをされている方にとっても、リトリートセンターのような非日常の環境で仲間とコースの理解を深めるというのは新鮮な体験となるでしょう。今年のトピックはゆるしです。ゆるしとは何でしょうか。毎日の生活の中でゆるしを行うにはどのようにすれば良いのでしょうか。今回はこれらのことについて以下のスピーカーが参加者とともに掘り下げていきます。 スピーカー:David Fishman, Jon Mundy, Ph.D., and Amy Torres and presenters Walter E. Davis, Ph.D., Barret Hedeen, Lyn Johnson, our own Yasuko Kasaki, Chris Lauretig, Lisa Natoli, and Joe Wolfe. Learn more about the presenters here. チェックイン:9月17日(木)午後3時〜5時 木曜日の夕食は、午後6時〜7時の予定です。9月20日(日)は、午後1時からのブランチ後に終了となります。 その他のスケジュールはこちらをご覧ください。http://www.weekendoffreedomretreat.com/index.php 場所: Stony Point Center 17 Cricketown Road Stony Point, NY 10980 http://stonypointcenter.org ご予約は、下記ウェブサイトからお申し込みください。 http://stonypointcenter.org/weekend-of-freedom?eventId=43&controller=event&task=individualRegister 料金: <宿泊代込み> 7月1日〜9月17日までにお申し込みの場合:$649 こちらの料金は、すべての宿泊費、食費、イベント代を含みます。 <宿泊なし> 6月30日までにお申し込みの場合:$479 7月1日〜9月17日までにお申し込みの場合:$529 こちらの料金は、すべての食費とイベント代を含みます。 ご質問は、下記までお問い合わせください。 Shiryl Kaplan - skappi3@gmail.com or 216-952-2691. フリーダムリトリートの創設者、Shiryl Kaplan(シェリル・カプラン)について: シェリル・カプランは2008年から『奇跡のコース』を学び、神に仕える決意をしてから彼女のヴィジョンはクリアになりました。彼女は人生においてふたつのことに情熱を注いでいます。ひとつはグルメの料理を作ること、そしてもうひとつは人々と集まってその情熱を分かち合うことです。彼女はそれをコースの教えを通してより深いレベルで自分たちを理解することによって行っています。 Retreat Web SiteAbout the Presenters About the Presenters
リトル・ガーデン・スタディグループ・オブ・ACIM — 8/19より
リトル・ガーデン・スタディグループ・オブ・ACIM — 8/19より
The Little Garden is a beginners study group dedicated to recognizing our relationship with god through one another. Our format is structured to introduce and apply the principles and methods of A Course In Miracles in our daily lives. To uncover the principles, we study portions of the text. To apply them, we practice workbook lessons. Each week, we meditate using a workbook lesson, and then study a principle or a workbook lesson, alternating between text and lessons. We also invite students to speak on their experience with a lesson or principle, focusing on a Miracle or Miracles they have experienced. There is no fee to attend; however, a contribution to support the cost of the group is appreciated.
“Self-Care for the Self-Aware” Book Signing by Dave Markowitz
“Self-Care for the Self-Aware” Book Signing by Dave Markowitz
CRS welcomes Aum Namaste Bookshop and author and medical intuitive Dave Markowitz for a free talk about his new book Self-Care for the Self-Aware.
Dave Markowitz helps Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) including: Empaths, Intuitives, Caregivers, Practitioners, Sensitives, Nurturers, Teachers, and alike in transforming illness into health!
If you resonate with any or all of the above, you already know that you are different. You have different needs in social situations, diet, and even healthcare. Dave understands these needs and shares what he's learned from his own experience and from working with thousands of Highly Sensitive Persons in his new book, Self-Care for the Self-Aware.
A-Ha! Moments with Brook
A-Ha! Moments with Brook
Come for a beautiful evening of healing, meditation, and teachings based on your needs as an individual and as a community. This event is a wonderful introduction to working with Brook, as she blends the energies of all exemplifying true community. In doing so, she illuminates challenges and ideals within the consciousness of each individual, showing how these can affect our daily life, allowing us to move from a more expansive and awakened state. Our standard format for the Healers Circle is 1.5 hour talk, 30 minute meditation, and 30 minute healing session for the whole group that may include physical healing and/or personal inner work. Please come dressed comfortably as you may want to lie down and rest during the healing section. Brook looks forward to embracing your community in the opportunity to be of service.
Sacred Cacao Ceremony
Sacred Cacao Ceremony
Traditionally prepared ceremonial cacao is a magical and sacred treat. It is not at all like drinking a regular cup of hot chocolate. It’s a strong and powerful drink, mixed with spices, to awaken the energetic properties of cacao. Brook was offered this ancient recipe when she worked with shamans in South America. She prepares it with special blessings and prayers offered up to Yolotl Etzli, the spirit of the plant itself. Doing this makes the concoction extremely powerful in aiding those who participate in the sacred ceremony, to open their heart and connect more fully for, deep shamanic journeying, inner work, and creative expression. Unlike a hallucinogenic, cacao takes you to the door of your awakening and offers you the opportunity to walk through it yourself, without forcing you. It is a gentle and magnificent healer.
Brain Activation
Brain Activation
The importance of our magnificent brains is becoming very clear as we awaken to the truth of fully being. In this glorious evening, come and participate in the awakening of your own deep and brilliant light.
Together we will:
Receive an activation for the Cave of Brahma in the innermost part of the brain.
Practice a deep form of breath work, to shift the frequency of light in our brains and throughout our bodies, for deep personal healing and empowerment.
Discuss different supplements and foods that truly nourish and activate the brain.
Learn a powerful pranic technique, for daily practice, to balance out both hemispheres of the brain.