「Change Your Mind, Change the World」トーク with レ・リ・ヘイスリップ
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New YorkWeek of Events
「Change Your Mind, Change the World」トーク with レ・リ・ヘイスリップ
「Change Your Mind, Change the World」トーク with レ・リ・ヘイスリップ
このたび、CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing)では、レ・リ・ヘイスリップ ———ミラクルワーカー、平和国際大使、この世界で最も重要な私たちのお手本と言える女性———をご紹介いたします。
レ・リ・ヘイスリップ著、 When Heaven and Earth Changed Places、Child of War、Woman of Peaceの2作は、オリバー・ストーン監督のベトナム三部作のうちのひとつ、『天と地』として映画化されました。
戦火を文字通り奇跡的に生き延び、アメリカに “逃れた” 彼女は、そのアメリカでも数々の苦難を背負いますが、戦争がベトナムにもたらした数々の痛みを癒したいという情熱を貫き、East Meets West (と後のGlobal Village Foundation)を設立し、この30年間で、病院、孤児院、大学、学校、クラスルーム、図書館と研修のためのワークショップなどをベトナム各所に創設しました。
Peridance Pre-Professional Ballet for Boys 8 – 12
Peridance Pre-Professional Ballet for Boys 8 – 12
CRS is delighted to welcome back our neighbor <a href="http://www.peridance.com" target="_blank"><strong>Peridance</strong></a> this fall, as we will host their Pre-Professional Ballet for Boys 8 – 12 program and several other children classes this year. <a href="http://www.peridance.com/children-teen-classes.cfm">The School at Peridance</a> with its renowned PeriChild Program was established in 1983 and has been recognized as a pioneer in dance eucation within the New York Dance Community. Offering classes and training for students ranging from 18 months to 18 years, The School at Peridance features a progressive interdisciplinary approach to dance training, emphasizing a thorough understanding of various dance techniques, while promoting self-expression and creativity. Classes begin this week and next and through the end of […]
One Year Program Leading to Becoming an Interfaith Minister
One Year Program Leading to Becoming an Interfaith Minister
This program focuses upon the skills and knowledge needed to be a modern interfaith minister. By eliminating semester breaks and vacations, the course is equipped to concentrate in one year a solid, qualifying course in interfaith. Upon successful completion of the program, students are ordained as ministers and are eligible to register legally as clergy. Thus, graduates are eligible to add the honorific “Reverend” to any existing titles and honors they have achieved in their professions. The program is provided as a series of monthly weekend classroom sessions at the Seminary’s office in New York City. Timely completion of monthly homework assignments is required. All students, at the end of […]