Exhibition: Space Beyond — Speculative Works by Clouds AO
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is delighted to announce an exhibition of designs by Clouds AO, the award-winning designers of our new third-floor facilities. Their design for our 3rd floor White Room studio was recently named one of "nine yoga studios that achieve design nirvana" by HOMESTOLOVE magazine. The two-part installation piece in this exhibition is intended to expand the lobby space of CRS and create a vision of "Space Beyond" where speculative concepts are presented in architectural scale, integrated into the underlying structure of the space. The exhibition opens Dec 23, 2015 and runs through January 31, 2016. An Opening Reception will be held on January 23, 2016.
Exhibition: Space Beyond — Speculative Works by Clouds AO
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New YorkCRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is delighted to announce an exhibition of designs by Clouds AO, the award-winning designers of our new third-floor facilities. Their design for our White Room was recently named one of “nine yoga studios that achieve design nirvana” by HOMESTOLOVE magazine. The two-part, floor-to-ceiling installation in this exhibition is intended to expand the window-less lobby space of CRS and create a vision of “Space Beyond” where speculative concepts are presented in architectural scale, integrated into the underlying structure of the space. The exhibition opens Dec 23, 2015 and runs through January 31, 2016. An Opening Reception with Clouds AO architects Masayuki Sono and Ostap Rudakevych will be held on January 23, 2016 from 6 – 8 pm.
年末特別瞑想会 & ヨガ
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New YorkCRS毎年恒例、年末特別瞑想会を、12月31日 (木) 6 PM から1時間、香咲弥須子のガイドで行います。 心を浄化し、新たな年が迎えられますよう、今回はスピリチャル・リーディングのご紹介として、皆様の精神の支えとなるスピリチュアルなメッセージを導き出すようにリードいたします。約1時間の瞑想後、CRSのヨガ・インストラクター本間葉月によるヨガクラスをご用意いたしました。 参加いただくのに瞑想、ヨガの経験は必要ありません。どなたでも自由にお越しいただけます。瞑想、ヨガどちらかのみの参加も可能です。遅れての入場はできませんので瞑想に参加の方は6時前に、ヨガのみ参加の方は7時前までにお越しください。どちらも無料で参加して頂けます。 前回の瞑想会はこちらから聞く事ができます。(英語のみ) http://crsny.podbean.com/2011/01/04/acim-guided-meditation-dec-31-2010 このヨガクラスは、優しい呼吸法と初心者レベルのムーブメントにより、身体への意識を通じて心の平静をもたらすでしょう。ヨガの経験の有無を超えて誰もが気軽に参加できるクラスです。動きやすい服装でお越しください。(正装でいらっしゃる方は、調整できるようになさってください。) ヨガマットはこちらでご用意させていただきます。