212-677-8621 info@crsny.org

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Exhibition: Space Beyond — Speculative Works by Clouds AO

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is delighted to announce an exhibition of designs by Clouds AO, the award-winning designers of our new third-floor facilities. Their design for our 3rd floor White Room studio was recently named one of "nine yoga studios that achieve design nirvana" by HOMESTOLOVE magazine. The two-part installation piece in this exhibition is intended to expand the lobby space of CRS and create a vision of "Space Beyond" where speculative concepts are presented in architectural scale, integrated into the underlying structure of the space. The exhibition opens Dec 23, 2015 and runs through January 31, 2016. An Opening Reception will be held on January 23, 2016.

Exhibition: Space Beyond — Speculative Works by Clouds AO

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is delighted to announce an exhibition of designs by Clouds AO, the award-winning designers of our new third-floor facilities. Their design for our White Room was recently named one of “nine yoga studios that achieve design nirvana” by HOMESTOLOVE magazine. The two-part, floor-to-ceiling installation in this exhibition is intended to expand the window-less lobby space of CRS and create a vision of “Space Beyond” where speculative concepts are presented in architectural scale, integrated into the underlying structure of the space. The exhibition opens Dec 23, 2015 and runs through January 31, 2016. An Opening Reception with Clouds AO architects Masayuki Sono and Ostap Rudakevych will be held on January 23, 2016 from 6 – 8 pm.


CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York

ヒーリングクリニック 12 – 1 pm, サジェステッドドネーション $20
リクエスト用紙に知りたいこと、迷っていること、解決したいこと、それが心の問題であれ、体の問題であれ、そのままお書きください。勿論、何も書かなくても結構です。そして目を閉じてお座りください。 ヒーラーはリクエスト用紙に目を通したうえで、あなたのチャクラやオーラを含むエナジーフィールドに存在している情報を受け取ってゆきます。ヒーラーの手が軽く頭、肩、手などお体に触れることもあります。あなたのスピリットが最大限に発揮されることをブロックしていたものが取り除かれ、自由で、限界のない本来のご自分をそのまま表現していただくためのエナジーワークはほぼ10分ほどです。
1:30 – 4:30 pm レクチャー by Jon Mundy
テキスト第26章 変移
『奇跡のコース』のもっとも古くからの教師のひとり、Jon Mundy 先生によるクラスです。毎月「奇跡のコース」のテキストから、全31章を、一章ずつ学んでいきます。約3年にわたるカリキュラムです。全回参加できない方でもまったく心配いりません。このシリーズは2013年5月からスタートしましたが、途中からの参加も歓迎しています。
〜事前のお申し込みの場合は、お一人様 $20となります〜
〜受付にてご購入の場合は、お一人様 $25となります〜

Igniting Intentions: New Year & New Moon Energy Workshop

CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 41 E 11st St. 11th Fl., New York

With Reiki Master Nathalie Jaspar & Holistic Practitioner Michele Kong January 10 @ 5 - 6:30pm $28 Early bird / $33 After Jan 7 Space is limited. Pre-registration highly recommended. Please register at: http://ignitingintentions.eventbrite.com After the frenzy of the holidays and bringing the year to a close, ringing in the New Year with yet more to-do lists of resolutions and commitments can be daunting. Many at this time of year feel overwhelmed and depleted. On the first New Moon of 2016, we invite you to connect with your innate wisdom and innermost yearnings. Using mindfulness exercises of visualization, breath, gentle movement and subtle energy, we will explore and activate intentions […]
