gamin: Nong (concert at Roulette)
Roulett 509 Atlantic Ave Brooklyn,, Brooklyn,CRSは2022年12月4日、ブルックリンにあるRouletteとの初のコラボレーションを行います。CRS Crossing Boundariesのキュレーターgaminの最新アルバム「Nong」を記念したコンサートをCRSのサポートによりRouletteで開催、gaminとアンサンブルINTERWOVENメンバー、作曲家で電子音響アーティストYoon-Ji Leeが出演します Nong is an ancient Korean term meaning “to play” — here, the joy of discovering new ways of playing when different cultures intersect. gamin, a Korean-born NYC-based multi-instrumentalist specializing in traditional Korean wind, along with her collaborators, places instruments and concepts from traditional Korean music alongside a variety of American musical elements. On the program, Theodore Wiprud’s Mudang for Piri (a double-reed bamboo oboe) incorporates shamanic energy that ranges from meditation to ecstasy. Korean composer Yoon-Ji Lee dedicates her composition to ‘comfort women’ (local women enslaved throughout Japan-occupied East Asia, 1932-1945) in her work for taepyungso (a double-reed shawn) and strings. Works by William David Cooper weave […]