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サウンド・メディテーション・コンサート with Kana Kamitsubo Markovic

December 17日, 2017 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm UTC+0


CRSでは、ピアニストであり、音楽療法士であり、Hug Music の設立者である Kana Kamitsubo Markovic と香咲弥須子による、サウンド・メディテーション・コンサートを開催します。Kana は、不思議とその場にいるわたしたちを重厚に織りなされた音に引き込み、心に響く音とその広がりによって深い感動を与えます。彼女の活動において、聴くことと演奏すること、そして創造過程とパフォーマンスは一つです。彼女は、自身の奥深くにある鼓動と聴いている人たちの鼓動を調和させ、与えることと受け取ることの素晴らしさを音楽に乗せて伝えます。そんな音に包まれて、本当の自分に触れる体験をしてみませんか。


Kana Kamitsubo is a pianist trained in classical & jazz, a board-certified music therapist, as well as a founder/owner of Hug Music, a music school located in Queens. She began her piano study by the age of three. During her childhood, she spent most of the time playing her piano by improvising and composing. Her favorite thing was to reflect the energy around her (energy of her home, family, people who visited her) on her improvisation and she would improvise endlessly without knowing it was a very special talent she was given. As her piano study became more serious, she stopped playing freely but started to focus on “what others would think is good” by following her piano teachers’ advise. At 19 years old, she felt extremely detached from music and struggled.

Then, she decided to study jazz piano. At 20 years old, she met her piano teacher, Takeshi, who told her, “Listen to the music inside of you first, and strike the keys to play the melody you just heard.”He taught the importance of being authentic in the music and following where the music wants to go instead of thinking what to play. In order to fully understand his words and also master this, Kana started to record herself at every single opportunity (practicing, rehearsal, performances), listening to the recordings, and taking notes on what she was feeling/thinking when she played and how it affected her music. After years of doing this practice, she has concluded that when ego takes over, the music loses its life; when she listens to the spirit and plays music with it, the music spreads love and she is able to connect with others. This has become her philosophy as a musician.

At age 25, she was awarded a Berklee World Scholarship and moved to Boston to further study piano performance and music therapy. There, her approach was validated when, as a music therapy student, she began working with individuals with disabilities. She cultivated her clinical skills based on her philosophy and was recognized by Berklee College of Music for demonstrating extraordinary therapeutic musical skills. As a result, she received numerous awards and after graduating was hired by Berklee to help develop their “Clinical Music Improvisation” curriculum.

As a licensed clinician, she has worked with diverse populations including children with special needs and has developed her own method that has been proven to be effective for children with autism spectrum disorder. While she works as an active music therapist, she also composes and performs with her husband as an acoustic duo unit called Yagull. The past few years, Kana started to study A Course in Miracles (ACIM) with Yasuko Kasaki and Naoko Ono. Kana has discovered that the process of improvising (listening to the music inside of her mind and then striking the keys to play the music she heard) mirrors ACIM’s direction to listen to our inner voice.

Yasuko Kasaki strongly advised Kana to perform for others more actively. Kana further cultivates her spirituality and musicality and realized that creating music with others (by reflecting the energy around her) is a very special ability she has been given. Now Kana knows that she wants to devote her life to sharing it.


上坪可奈 / ピアニスト、音楽療法士、音楽講師


大阪音楽大学短期大学部器楽学科を卒業。甲陽音楽学院にて竹下清志、浜村昌子に師事しジャズピアノと理論を勉強。奨学金を得て2003年9月よりボストンのBerklee College of Music(バークリー音楽院)へ留学。2004年より音楽療法学部に在籍。成績と活躍が認められ、同学部よりKoster Insurance Award(2005年度)、そして学部最高賞であるGary Burton Music Therapy Scholarship(2006年度)を受賞。バークリー音楽院を首席で卒業。


音楽療法士としては、主に2つの分野で高い評価を得ている。多数の自閉症(ASD)やADD,ADHDの子供達を対象にNYの音楽療法施設などで経験を積んだ後、2008年にスペシャルニーズの子供のための独自の音楽メソッド(後にMusicreativeと呼ばれる)を発案し、それを実践し始めたところ、音楽スキルの向上だけではなく、子供達の集中力が飛躍的に向上、問題行動が激減、学習能力の向上、コミュニケーションのスキルの向上 などの効果が見られ、音楽療法の分野でも注目を浴びるようになる。2010年にボストンで開催された “Autism Speaks and Sings”シンポジウムではパネリストとして招待され、そこで生徒の一人のケーススタディを紹介したところ、彼女のメソッドの効果が非常に高い事が本格的に音楽療法の分野で認められる。パネリストの一人、音楽療法学会(CBMT)理事長であり、自閉症&アメリカミュージックセラピー学会理事長Darcy Walworth, PhD, MT-BC
からは 「この可奈の革新的なアプローチは音楽療法、音楽教育、養護教育の分野において高く評価される価値があり、このメソッドを使って学んだ可奈生徒達への効果は、通常自閉症の子供に期待される効果の範囲を飛躍的に上回っています。」という賛辞を受ける。その後、ケーススタディがImagine(アメリカ音楽療法アソシエーションが発行するオンラインマガジン)で出版される。続いてアメリカ、タイ、日本などでプレゼンテーションやワークショップを行ったり、文献を発表したりしている。また別の分野では、音楽療法において最も効果的で大切な技術の一つとされているクリニカルインプロビゼーション(臨床で使う即興演奏のテクニック)の技術が非常に高い事も認められ、母校バークリー音楽院から依頼を受け、同学院の修士号(Master’s degree)のクラスの一つである「クリニカルインプロビゼーション」クラスのカリキュラム執筆を担う。


Events Category:


Event Date:
December 17日, 2017
Event Time:
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Event Registration:


CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing)
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