CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is delighted to announce an exhibition of designs by Clouds AO, the award-winning designers of our new third-floor facilities. Their design for our 3rd floor White Room studio was recently named one of "nine yoga studios that achieve design nirvana" by HOMESTOLOVE magazine. The two-part installation piece in this exhibition is intended to expand the lobby space of CRS and create a vision of "Space Beyond" where speculative concepts are presented in architectural scale, integrated into the underlying structure of the space. The exhibition opens Dec 23, 2015 and runs through January 31, 2016. An Opening Reception will be held on January 23, 2016.
Join us to enjoy an evening of meditation and chakra clearing group vocal toning for healing and shifting vibrations. A place to sit in a high vibration, to ground your energies and bring yourself into alignment and balance. Come and connect to your heart and inner voice with divine connection and be with All That Is.The evening will include breathing exercises, guided visualization, chakra clearing ceremony and group toning meditation. Amaia will guide you to use your breathing, intention, visualization and imagination to bring yourself into alignment with Source. Finally there will be an opportunity for you to experience a relaxing sound bath. A “Sound Bath” enables you to forget […]
Learn From 3.11 とCRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) 共催による映画上映会を3月14日(月)7時15分より開催いたします。 中村真夕監督「ナオトひとりっきり Alone in Fukushima」(2014年/日本語/英語字幕/98分)はNYC初上映、原発事故による全町避難で無人地帯になった町で、残されたいきものたちと生きる松村直登さんの生活を追ったドキュメンタリーです。 上映会の後には中村監督によるQ&Aが行われます。 原発から12キロの町に生まれた桃源郷!? ダチョウ、牛、猫、犬、イノシシ、ポニーそして男がひとり。緑は生いしげり、いきものたちがのびのびと暮らしてる。ここは福島第一原発から12キロにある福島県富岡町。原発事故による全町避難で無人地帯になった。高度経済成長の裏側で、カネに翻弄される人生を送ってきた松村直登55歳は、目に見えない放射線のリスクの中、町に残されたいきものたちとようやく自分の居場所を見つけた。季節は巡り、いのちが生まれ、また消えていく。地図から消されようとしている町に続くいのちを意念誓う見つめ続けたドキュメンタリー。運命に翻弄されながらも、自分の居場所を探し続ける人々を描き、穢れなきいのちを見つめ、本当の幸せはなにかを問う作品です。 「Learn From 3.11」は、2011年より被災者、被害者の方々、支援を続ける方たち、エネルギー問題に真剣に取り組もうとする方たちに向けて、「相互サポート」「学びの機会」「交流・連携」の3つを提供することを基軸に、東北支援と脱原発に長期にわたり貢献しています。
CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing) is proud to be a venue for the 2016 SR Socially Relevant (TM) Film Festival New York screenings of Short Block IV: Social Media (“Cinematheque,” “Gen A,” “A Social Life,” “Deconstructing Facebook”). The screenings will take place on Sunday, March 20, 2016 at 12 pm and will be followed by a Q&A on Social Media with participating filmmakers. Tickets are $10 and are available online and at the door. Now in its third year, the SR Socially Relevant (TM) Film Festival New York is a film festival that focuses on socially relevant film content, dealing with human interest stories that raise awareness to social problems and might offer positive solutions […]
CHUDEN means middle or intermediate teaching. The focus of Chuden is on helping others through distant healing and to help the student become more aware of the concept of Non-duality, and of their connection to and impact upon the world around them. This is achieved through the practice in the use of shirushi (symbols) and JUMON (mantras). This practice can enable the student to enhance their own energy levels and sensitivity. Three shirushi (symbols) are given and additional Japanese techniques are taught. Class is taught in one day at teachers' discretion and students receive four Reiju. TRADITIONAL JAPANESE REIKI METHODS Tanden Chiryo Ho (Gendoku Ho) Detoxification Method Koki Ho & Gyohi Ho (Exhalation […]